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2019 PRC National Healthcare Consumer Study

September 18, 2019

As with any consumer industry, healthcare consumer attitudes change over time, with the latest trends reminding healthcare leaders that, above all, patients are consumers (and vice-versa).

We recognize the need to stay up-to-date with consumer habits and are excited to release the latest National Healthcare Consumer Study. After a summer of conducting research spanning the country, the 2019 study is now available for download.

Areas of interest within the 2019 Consumer Study include:

  • Healthcare utilization and preferences
  • Healthcare advertising
  • Importance of factors when choosing a doctor
  • The impact of the internet on healthcare consumption

In addition to publishing the National Healthcare Consumer Study, PRC regularly conducts Consumer & Brand Studies to help organizations gauge brand success. Contact us if you would like to learn more about what a Consumer & Brand Study can do for your organization’s branding.

Interested? Fill out the form below to be taken directly to the National Consumer Study!