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Employee & Physician Experience Solutions

Support the People Who Make Care Possible

Create an End-to-End Team Strategy

Recognizing the integral role care teams play in shaping the patient experience, we have developed comprehensive end-to-end solutions that revolve around understanding employee and physician perceptions and identifying areas for improvement in their experience.  READ MORE

Lead Employee Engagement & Retention

Through extensive research with over 2,800 healthcare partners, we've developed targeted solutions for nurse retention and employee engagement. Our employee experience surveys and tools integrate NDNQI benchmarks and nursing quality indicators to identify improvement opportunities.   READ MORE

Cultivate Lasting Physician Relationships

 Physician relationships play a pivotal role in determining the success of your organization. They lead care teams and hold significant influence in the eyes of your patients. Consequently, actively assessing and improving physicians' perceptions is vital to driving your organization's achievements. We thoroughly explore the intricacies of physician perceptions, uncovering areas for improvement and strategic opportunities.  READ MORE

Measure Nursing Quality Indicators

Access comprehensive NDNQI data and nursing-sensitive indicators to track quality metrics and improve nurse retention. Our solutions help identify key factors in employee engagement healthcare initiatives while monitoring nurse-sensitive quality indicators.   READ MORE

We are


Regardless of the community, the distribution of health among residents is never equal, nor is there always equal opportunity for all residents to achieve and maintain health.


We Are


Ready to take your CHNA beyond the page? PRC’s suite of analytic tools offer the simplicity you need to take action in your community and earn grant funding.


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Your Partner

Just as research is more than data, consulting is more than generic advice. We’re here to understand your unique community, culture, needs, and goals.


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Your dedicated project manager is happy to help with anything from starting a survey to applying for conference speaking positions.


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Explore Other Solutions

Consumer & Brand

Not only does the PRC CHNA engage and give voice to hundreds of community residents, it also offers an innovative approach to getting broader.

Employee Experience

Not only does the PRC CHNA engage and give voice to hundreds of community residents, it also offers an innovative approach to getting broader.


Patient Experience & Government Survey icon
Patient Experience & 
Government Surveys

Not only does the PRC CHNA engage and give voice to hundreds of community residents, it also offers an innovative approach to getting broader.


Physician Partnership Solutions

Not only does the PRC CHNA engage and give voice to hundreds of community residents, it also offers an innovative approach to getting broader.

Explore Other Solutions

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