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Crisis Response Survey: Gather Feedback When It Matters the Most

April 1, 2020

Given the current COVID-19 healthcare crisis, and as part of our ongoing mission to empower healthcare organizations to drive excellence, PRC now offers a complementary Crisis Response Survey to client and non-client hospitals.

The Crisis Response Survey enables your staff and physicians share their perspectives on how the COVID-19 pandemic affects their work. With meaningful feedback between staff, physicians, and leaders, you’ll be able to manage the needs of your hospital and provide excellent care in the midst of adversity—all at no cost to your organization.

Effectively Evaluate Hospital Perceptions

The Crisis Response Survey is a short, five-question electronic survey for completion on computers and mobile devices. Questions are designed to gauge the overall perceived quality of leadership response, the extent of COVID-19’s impact on the work and practice environment, pain points and needs, people deserving of recognition, and suggestions for leadership. Given the spread of COVID-19, we realize your leaders, physicians, and staff face numerous demands, so we created the survey to facilitate the collection of valuable insights in a succinct, efficient manner.

Review and Retake with Ease

Respondents can either take the Crisis Response Survey anonymously or share their name and email address for leaders to follow up. Meanwhile, survey results populate in real-time within® for user-friendly data reporting and analysis.

Since updates surrounding COVID-19 may change the outlook of how hospitals manage the crisis, PRC allows hospitals to conduct the Crisis Response Survey as many times as needed at no additional charge. This also allows hospitals and health systems to collect staff and physician perceptions in the wake of new COVID-19 developments, and create a positive feedback loop for improving the work and practice environment based on survey responses. Interested? Contact us at [email protected] to learn more!