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More COVID? More than I Can Take? – Healthcare Experience Matters Podcast

September 30, 2021

Today’s Healthcare Experience Matters podcast episode from our Healthcare Experience Foundation (HXF) partners features a recent webinar from HXF, entitled “More COVID? More than I Can Take? Finding Individual Strength in Our Collective Experience.”

It has been edited and condensed for a more friendly podcast listening experience.

As we work to manage the changing dynamics of the pandemic, we recognize COVID-19 has profoundly shaped not only our industry, but also our individual resilience as caregivers.

If you feel COVID-19 is impacting you (or your team’s) compassion, resilience, or joy in the workplace, today’s podcast featuring Kathleen Lynam, RN, MPA, and Katrina Coleman, BSN, MSN, is for you.

Kathleen and Katrina present this broadcast with pragmatic steps that listeners can take to restore personal and team morale in the face of these unprecedented times. Kathleen serves as Executive Coach and Senior Advisor with HXF and PRC Excellence Accelerator® Coach, she has been featured in two previous Healthcare Experience Matters podcast episodes:

Kathleen is passionate about serving patients and coaching others on improving the patient experience. Much of her career was dedicated to caring for patients as a registered nurse with The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, N.J.

This is Katrina’s first of what is sure to be many times joining our podcast. Katrina serves as Leadership and Engagement Strategist with Maryland Healthcare Education Institute (MHEI).

The objectives of today’s podcast and webinar are as follows:

  • Validate emotions you are likely experiencing as COVID-19 lingers.
  • Define and self-asses for emotional exhaustion.
  • Share some strategies to address emotions and restore personal and team morale.

If you are experiencing these feelings of uncertainty, one thing is clear: you are not alone. A key component of today’s podcast is reminding listeners that these workplace struggles are happening around the world and it is leading to “the great resignation of 2021.”

“We can choose to focus on what we can control and to always, always look for the learning,” Kathleen said.

As leaders it is our job to get curious when those around us are furious, Kathleen reminded us. This is a common issue in today’s healthcare environment, and we cannot be reactionary as a leader, it’s time to get empathetic when those around us our frazzled.

Not having a sense of purpose or meaning, and not getting enough emotional support are two leading drivers of burnout right now. Katrina and Kathleen explain on today’s podcast how to practice emotional intelligence and mindfulness to deal with these struggles and adversity.

As we’re reminded in today’s podcast, it’s important to reflect on the root causes of these distressing issues.

“We want you to give some reflection as to what you are feeling and think about if there is something underneath that,” Katrina said.

Learn More

Make sure to listen to today’s podcast to learn more: