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Real Time Patient Data for Real Time Physicians

PRC Unveils Industry’s First Patient Experience Data App

Nearly all physicians readily recognize the importance of patient experience data, but less than half of practicing physicians regularly consult this data when making decisions. Not through lack of trying, but rather the result of dense data systems best used on a desktop—a machine ending up further and further away from busy medical professionals. To combat this, healthcare market research and consulting firm PRC has revolutionized the physician experience through its development of the PRC EasyView® app, the industry’s first patient experience data app.

The desktop version,®, simplifies the process for using the data and insights PRC gathers to improve healthcare performance. The app, optimized for physicians and now available for iOS and Android, offers a streamlined view of the abundant data available to caregivers, administrators, and executive leaders. This first of its kind mobile app uses PRC’s real time data collection to bring instant reporting to the forefront of the physician experience by offering up to the minute feedback. The PRC EasyView® app’s intuitive interface allows users to easily track data progress and performance over time, facilitating the measurement of goal achievement and motivating teammates to track progress in literal real time.

“I’m very proud to be first to the market with an app bringing patient experience data directly to the hands of the people who need it most—physicians,” Dr. Joe M. Inguanzo, President and CEO of PRC, said. “For years we’ve heard our client partners wish they could see their data no matter where they work, and now they can see their scores grow in real time from anywhere in the hospital, clinic, or even anywhere in the world.”

The EasyView® app is based on three ViewPoints. The Trend ViewPoint shows physicians their trends over time, as well as fluctuating percentile data. The Performance ViewPoint offers insight into the user’s top box scores and how they rank in comparison to their goals. Finally, the Target Tracker ViewPoint distills data to the patient level and offers unique insights for frontline teams.

Additionally, users can create unique custom viewpoints, offering data based on variables such as location, clinic, and medical group. This enables physicians to view their performance relative to their colleagues, local competition, and the national stage.

For more information about real time reporting and mobile application of instantaneous data, contact PRC at [email protected] or visit

Professional Research Consultants, Inc.
Since 1980, PRC has helped more than 2,200 healthcare organizations achieve their research objectives by collecting and analyzing timely, accurate, and reliable feedback from patients, employees, physicians, and the community at large. PRC’s high-quality survey research, analytics tools, and coaching give voice to healthcare organizations, patients, and the community as a whole. Leading the standards for healthcare market research, PRC partners with organizations to support their efforts in becoming better places for patients to be treated, physicians to practice medicine, and employees to work.