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2021 HCAHPS Mode Experiment Moves Us Towards “HCAHPS 2.0”

March 17, 2022

During a recent HCAHPS update vendor training, CMS discussed preliminary findings from last year’s HCAHPS mode experiment and a loose timeline for what they’re referring to as “HCAHPS 2.0.”

CMS conducted a mode experiment with 45 nationally representative hospitals using April to September 2021 discharges to test three existing, legacy survey modes as well as three new, potential survey modes:

Survey Mode Table

In the mode experiment, CMS saw the mail-only and telephone-only modes had the lowest response rates, and adding web increases response rates.

The “web” component is testing survey login information delivered via email only; because the laws around texting are more complicated and vary from state to state, CMS is not considering this invitation mode at this time.

As part of this mode experiment, CMS also administered surveys with possible new survey items. Tested survey items addressed include:

  • Care Coordination (Within Hospital/Post-Discharge)
  • Discharge Experience
  • Communication with Patient’s Family or Caregiver
  • Emotional Support/Security
  • Sleep and Rest
  • Summoning Help

Tentative HCAHPS Timeline for Survey/Methodology Changes (HCAHPS 2.0)

HCAHPS 2.0 Timeline

Analysis on the mode experiment data has begun and will extend throughout 2022. CMS expects using 2023 and 2024 to gain approval from the CAHPS Consortium, National Quality Forum endorsement, Office of Management and Budget review and approval, as well as rule-making and public comment. Implementation of any changes in the HCAHPS survey are tentatively scheduled for 2024/2025.

If you are interested in these new modes, please make sure you are collecting patient email address and the patient’s preferred language, as Spanish language surveys may be required for patients who prefer Spanish.

Learn more about other announcements during the 2022 HCAHPS Vendor update training here.