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Radiation Oncology (RO) Model Delayed

August 29, 2022

In a recent final rule, CMS finalized the delay of the current start date of the Radiation Oncology (RO) Model from 1/1/23 to a date that will be established through future rulemaking. CMS still believes that the RO model is valuable, but recognizes that the RO model has been delayed twice and preparation for implementation requires significant funding.

The final rule text addresses some of the comments CMS received in response to the proposal last spring to delay the start date. Interested parties may find the comments and CMS’ responses useful in understanding CMS’ future direction for a future RO model. While the program does not have a set timeline currently, CMS is still interested in engaging with stakeholders, including RO participants, on future model design.

If you would like to be notified when the date is finalized, please sign up for updates here. If you have any additional questions, contact our CAHPS® team via email.