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Strategies, Sessions, and Smiles: Recapping the 2021 PRC Healthcare Experience Virtual Summit

October 28, 2021

Click. Clack. “Start Broadcast.” Just like that, the 2021 PRC Healthcare Experience Virtual Summit is complete.

First and foremost, we want to thank all who attended or registered for the virtual summit. We’re thrilled with all the interaction and thought leadership on display throughout each session, along with the recognition and support shared during our 2021 Healthcare Leadership Awards presentation. Overall, the day revealed multiple components that muster up to create great collaboration and success within a healthcare organization.

The day launched with a fresh sip of coffee and a welcoming session by PRC’s Audrey Page, CPXP and Laurie Speaks. After reviewing a few housekeeping rules, the learning began with two concurrent sessions presented by Healthcare Experience Foundation (HXF) coaches, Katie Owens, MHA, CPXP, and Dr. George Mayzell. Throughout the day, attendees had the option to jump between two presentations each hour. “Drivers and Practical Applications to Advance the Healthcare Experience” was hosted by Katie Owens and Jessie Wolfe focusing on ways to improve the patient, physician, and employee experience while having fun in the workplace. Meanwhile, Dr. Mayzell’s session shared his expertise on the solutions to overcome burnout and the timely damage of COVID-19 on the healthcare landscape. Along with his slide deck, Dr. Mayzell highlighted relatable videos, including TikToks, that revealed the emotional toll burnout can possess on everyday life.

Crossing over into the 10 o’ clock sessions, Dr. Cynthia King and HXF’s Brooke Billingsley emphasized methods on how to pull employees out from underneath the burnout bus and re-engage them during a time of crisis. At the same time, MidMichigan Chief Experience Officer Michelle Brady, MSHAL, RN, BSN, shared how her organization raised the bar to reach organizational goals through an employee incentive program. Brady’s team uses data gained through “Snapshots” and “Target Tracker”, applications within PRC EasyView® to set attainable, worthy objectives for the year. As a Healthcare Leadership Award recipient, Brady highlighted the importance of touting provider recognition to exemplify employee and leadership pride.

Brady’s feelings translated into the next sessions of the morning, “Care Beyond Just a Cure: Emotional Outreach Solutions” with Nuvance Health and “Support Through Recognition: Effectively Rewarding Your Care Team” with Baystate Health. “Care Beyond Just a Cure…” was tag teamed by Steve Meth, JD, MS, CXO, and Susan Howard, Corporate Director of Patient Safety, both from Nuvance Health. Before sharing an emotional video from a caregiver, Howard made the impactful statement, “We were hoping for the best, but hope isn’t a strategy.” Throughout the presentation, Meth and Howard delivered concrete solutions on emotional support, including the PACT program originally from Ascension Health. Concurrently, Joanne Miller DNP, RN, NEA, Interim CNO from Baystate Health led “Support Through Recognition…” Repeatedly, she used a word that sometimes can be taboo in the workplace, “love.” Miller encourages her team and the audience at the virtual summit to “get comfortable using the term ‘love’ in the workplace.” With a laundry list of tips and tricks to implement, Miller focused on the importance of real-time recognition among caregivers, which led attendees right into the recognition of our PRC partners.

During the lunch hour, PRC hosted the Healthcare Leadership Awards luncheon. While snacking on a sandwich or sipping a caffeinated beverage provided virtually by PRC, attendees tuned into the awards presentation, recognizing the following award recipients:

Consumer & Brand

  • Vince Falsarella, Dallas Regional Medical Center

Healthcare Excellence

  • Amy Searls, Prime Healthcare

Healthcare Experience

  • Michelle Brady, MidMichigan

Healthcare Impact

  • Elizabeth Butz, Sparrow

Healthcare Impact – Community

  • Jim Sifuentes, Saint Anthony Hospital

Healthcare Impact – Employee

  • Susan Howard, Nuvance Health

Health Equity

  • Daniel Joiner, UnityPoint Health, Trinity

Healthcare Equity – PRC Collective Impact Award

  • UHealth, Jackson Health System, and Nicklaus Children’s Hospital

Health System Loyalty

  • Owensboro Health

Healthcare Innovation

  • Cassy Leach, Asante

Outstanding Culture – Dept. Level

  • James Arbaugh, Ascension

Outstanding Culture – Dept. Level

  • EVS Department, Owensboro Health

Outstanding Culture – Community

  • Augusta Health


  • Regina Eberwein, Lee Health

Patient Experience

  • Marti Samsel, Sparrow

Patient Experience – Medical Center

  • Jason Phillips, Lehigh Regional Medical Center
  • Marlena Hakobyan, Encino Hospital Medical Center

Patient Experience – Physician

  • Dr. John Ordal, Asante

Patient Safety

  • Win Howard, Asante
  • Ramon Perez, Dallas Regional Medical Center

Physician Partnership

  • Annalisa Baltz, HCA Healthcare

Physician Partnership

  • Dr. Suzin Hagar, Asante


  • Suzanne Hendery, Renown Health

Congratulations to all our awards winners and thank you for making healthcare an excellent experience!

Flipping the clock into the afternoon sessions, Katie Owens and Laurie Speaks offered an exclusive session for Vizient members. During a different session at the same time, Jan Gnida, CPXP, and Peter McCall, Director of Person and Care Team Experience from Ascension, showed attendees how to use Net Promoter Score (NPS) to drive organizational growth. McCall described the philosophy behind NPS and explained how Ascension uses it across the continuum of care to understand patient perceptions of their experience.

Similarly, the following hour’s presentations included a session led by Asante’s Shea Quinn, M.Psych, CCMA, CPXP, and her co-presenters Bruce Budmayr, MBA, CPXP, and Doug Ward, which shared strategies to highlight care access and patient perceptions of access. In an energetic session, Budmayr states, “Data is a very powerful tool, but it’s people who make the data happen.” Turning data into messaging on relatable platforms is a craft embodied by Lucy Kenny, Special Projects Associate, and Jen Jamilkowski, Director of Planning, from Stony Brook Medicine. In their afternoon session, Kenny and Jamilkowski shared the ongoing success of community health outreach to a vulnerable LGBTQ+ population on Long Island. Through a specifically crafted survey, Stony Brook Medicine gathered the voice of the people to display promotional messages of healthcare equity on trending platforms such as TikTok and similar social media, pride events, and other emerging methods.

New techniques to engage leaders were also a topic of discussion with Amy Searls, CXO, from Prime Healthcare. Searls connects the dots to the “why” of patient experience among her caregivers as well as emphasizing the crucial communication of maintaining relationships with staff. Finally, Win Howard, CEO, from Asante concluded the sessions for the day with “Exploring the Impact of Employee Culture and its influence on Patient Experience and Safety.” During his session, Howard shared the organization’s employee engagement percentile ranking over the years, the importance of data transparency and gathering candid feedback, and an encouragement for attendees to use PRC Voices® in town halls, staff meetings, and other areas where employees can hear directly the tone of a patient’s voice.

With the breakout sessions complete, PRC’s Laurie Speaks and Audrey Page bookended the day’s events with closing remarks, reminding attendees how to access OnDemand recordings of sessions they missed and the ability to request slide decks from each presentation. If you are interested in any material covered during the PRC 2021 Healthcare Experience Virtual Summit, please reach out to [email protected].

A huge thank you to all those who attended or registered for the first PRC virtual summit. We have terrific, educated partners, internal and external, who inspire healthcare physicians, employees, patients, and leaders. Thank you for helping us achieve healthcare differently!