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Train Your Brain: PRC’s 2019 Regional Summit is the Next Step to Enhancing What You Already Know

August 16, 2019

Having the same daily routine can be as stagnant as counting the minutes left in your shift. As you make your way through the lobby, you say hi to Dana, the receptionist, and slowly munch on your oatmeal raisin granola bar as you scan the bulletin board for new announcements. You notice PRC’s 2019 Regional Summit’s flyer advertising their one-day seminar of networking and personal career growth. Curious, but skeptical, you think to yourself, “why should I spend time learning about a career I have been at for years?”

The answer is simple: to train your brain. No matter how many years you’ve submerged in your career or the amount of experience under your belt, you can always make room to learn and grow. By learning how to exercise your brain, you increase higher functioning levels, dull the boredom, and even lessen the odds of developing Alzheimer’s disease. But, how do you go about this? Anything from reading nonfiction, taking a night class, and of course, attending PRC’s 2019 Regional Summit can act as that “jump-the-gun” opportunity to further enhance your work and your mind alike.

Feed your brain more than what it already knows. You may stand at a point in your career where you have that steady rhythm and feel comfortable with your surroundings. However, what if your brain is too comfortable? Keep in mind that your brain is a muscle. Just like the rest of your muscles, you must exercise your brain to keep it in shape. And just as athletes cross-train, it’s important to find new ways to keep your brain fit and active. According to Pick The Brain, if you keep your mind active and open to acquiring new information, you’ll keep your brain functioning at a higher-level than just your brain’s “comfort zone.” Higher-level thinking provides the push you need to defeat the possibility of boredom.

Staying in your comfort zone may feel like the right thing to do, but too much comfort leads to boredom and apathy. Pick The Brain also says, “most people feel bored when they aren’t challenged enough. If you’re constantly learning new things, you’ll be less prone to disinterest.” Even in the exciting medical field, boredom can be inevitable, leading to constant glances at the clocks while ruining your productive mojo.

Aside from reducing boredom, another benefit you gain from training your brain is a strengthened memory. Everyday Health reports, “Memory is our most vital mental faculty. Strengthening memory is an important component in lessening the odds of developing Alzheimer’s disease.” Our brain our mental temple; it’s sacred and irreplaceable. A 2017 statistic reports that Alzheimer’s Disease is the 6th leading cause of death in the United States and remains the only disease in the 10 leading causes of deaths that cannot be cured, prevented, or slowed. Sometimes, we become oblivious to the unpredictable future. We cannot a control our health complications, but we can help prevent or slow them down by simply training our brains and staying mentally fit.

Therefore, PRC challenges you to challenge your brain. Think of your brain as your partner, maybe wife, perhaps. You’ve heard the saying “happy wife, happy life,” right? Keep out of trouble by listening to your brain and exercising her regularly. Register for our 2019 Regional Summit to discover more ways to maintain an active, healthy brain. With insights from PRC professionals and Excellence Accelerator® leaders alike, this opportunity offers education and development for the many facets of patient experience, as well as a valuable networking experience for individual career growth. Training your brain should be the game, check out our Summit Page to learn more!

Interested in attending our Summit this fall? Click here to register!