Upcoming Webinar: CARES™ Connect — Real-Time Feedback to Promote Safer Patient Outcomes

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Why Did I Get an Email from PRC?


PRC is a leading market research and consulting company specializing in high-quality survey research, analytics tools, and coaching for the healthcare industry.


Survey Research

PRC is hired by hospitals in your area to conduct surveys via the internet about health and wellness issues. Our goal is simply to ask a few questions about the healthcare services you or someone in your family may have recently received, or to ask more general questions about the overall healthcare services available in your community.


Opt Out

Because we aren’t selling anything, PRC is not governed by the Do Not Call List; adding your name to that national registry will not preclude you from receiving a call, an email or a text message from our company.

We realize that your privacy is important and want to respect your wishes. Should you wish not to participate in future telephone surveys sponsored by local hospitals and conducted by PRC, please complete the form below. All information is required to opt you out of future surveys.

Please note that it can take up to three weeks for your contact information to be completely removed from our system after you ask to opt out. We appreciate your patience.