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Scripting the Patient Conversation

Scripting the Patient Conversation

“Scripting” in healthcare describes specific phrases that caregivers use to increase patients’ understanding of the care, improve perceptions of the hospital, communicate reasons behind actions, etc. Quint Studer often talks about “key words at key times,” which are...
Determining Action Plan Success

Determining Action Plan Success

Outcomes measures are important and the target of many strategies. But they are not always useful in understanding the journey; they are not helpful in identifying challenges along the way. Put simply, if your outcomes measures don’t move after an action plan has been...
Structuring Leader-Physician Rounding

Structuring Leader-Physician Rounding

Effective communication requires structure. How do physicians provide feedback to leaders? How do leaders communicate improvements and other information to physicians? The answer at most high-performing organizations in terms of medical staff perceptions is: senior...
Uncovering Bright Spots

Uncovering Bright Spots

Executing the best strategy to improve our patients’ experiences requires us to start from within. This does not mean we can discount successful strategies others have used. No matter the source, there are plenty of process lessons we can learn from others. The best...