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Data-Driven Motivation: A PRC Partner Spotlight

June 21, 2021

MidMichigan Health is a nonprofit health system whose facilities serve 23 counties within the state of Michigan. In 2021, the organization received the Michigan Performance Excellence Award, securing their eligibility to apply to the Malcom Baldrige National Quality Award Program. According to MidMichigan CXO Michelle Brady, this success comes from a combination of a dedicated care team and keeping a consistent pulse on their patient experience performance through PRC’s healthcare discovery platform.

Understanding the importance of employees and their effect on the patient experience, MidMichigan leadership works to establish a sense of responsibility for patient wellbeing among their medical staff. One of the primary ways the organization instills such responsibility is through an intuitive incentive program for staff and hospital leadership. Using PRC data, MidMichigan formulates strategic priorities for their patient experience performance and sets goals based on those priorities. If the organization achieves the goals, employees and leadership will receive bonuses at the end of the fiscal year. Beyond giving staff added motivation to provide excellent patient experience, the incentive program supports employee engagement throughout the entire organization. Even for hospital staff not directly involved with patient experience, MidMichigan’s relationship-based philosophy encourages both “care of self” and “care of colleague” mentalities that inspire all staff to rally around each other, uniting the health system in a drive to provide the best patient experience possible.

To measure the patient experience put forward by their care team, MidMichigan turns to data and analytics provided by PRC. A PRC partner for over a decade, PRC’s research has become a regular part of MidMichigan’s quality measurement and improvement planning. PRC’s patient experience research supports data drill-down to the unit level, and on a weekly basis, leadership at the organization receives reports that utilize PRC solutions, including:

  • PRC EasyView®’s Target Tracker that displays data progress between current performance and organizational goals down to a patient-by-patient basis
  • Key Drivers of Excellence® that identify the areas of focus most integral to organizational improvement based on current survey performance
  • PRC Voices® that humanize survey data by saving recordings of patient feedback during phone surveys

In addition to weekly reports shared with leadership, physicians within MidMichigan receive monthly reports based on CG-CAHPS surveys with data specific to their practice; a committee consisting of people from every department in the organization meet monthly to review data and insights; and Brady herself notes that she follows along with PRC data daily in her position. In her review, Brady connects various initiatives and best practices conducted by the organization to high level themes within PRC’s data, creating a big-picture analysis of MidMichigan’s patient experience guided by a combination of both MidMichigan and PRC’s core values.

MidMichigan Health’s constant eye on progress and dedication to motivating their care team continue to pay off. In addition to the Michigan Performance Excellence Award, the organization and associated facilities have received the Beacon Award for Excellence, have been highlighted on US News & World Report’s Best Hospitals in Michigan, and recently submitted their first Magnet application. The health system also received an Excellence in Healthcare Award recognized by PRC. However, that’s not to say there isn’t room for improvement. Brady comments that a goal of hers moving forward is to be more proactive in her application of PRC’s data, so we look forward to helping her cultivate that proactivity while further supporting MidMichigan’s commitment to providing an excellent care experience to the communities they serve.

To learn more about PRC’s healthcare discovery platform, visit our contact page or email us at [email protected] today!

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