Catch PRC's 2024 Year In Review

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Excellence In Healthcare Regional Summit – What an Opportunity!

November 20, 2019

Personally, I love to take advantage of opportunities as they present themselves. Whether a prospect comes at me professionally or in my private life, I can’t resist the chance to experience, pursue, or learn something new. One might even call this FOMO—or “fear of missing out.” Fear seems like a strong word, but I can roll with the sentiment.

Recently, PRC hosted the Excellence in Healthcare Regional Fall Summit in Tulsa, OK—and although this may seem biased—this was such a great professional opportunity! PRC worked out a great one-day session line-up to make the most of our attendee’s time. Session topics ranged from industry trends, best practices, and creating culture to a workshop encouraging us to recognize and appreciate all the hard work that goes on around us in our healthcare organizations.

We were thrilled to share the room with 200 registrants interested in the patient experience and had time to network with professionals from other organizations to learn and share best practices. The day flew by with engaged speakers sharing their stories and experiences. As I walked around the room during group activities, it was wonderful to see tables come together and listen to each other with encouraging nods, smiles and additional feedback.

Each session had relevant topics to take back to units as culture and patient experience are continually built up at everyone’s own healthcare organization.

Beyond the learning sessions, the Summit took place at the Tulsa zoo. What a great place to check out the ‘locals’ before and after the event and during breaks. Walking outside the room you could see the lions and bears (there were tigers a little further away…oh my!). The fun setting helped set the tone as we opened up to our peers throughout the day.

For those of you who were able to attend, I hope your experience mirrors my own and you have great takeaways for your teams as you continue your hard work. If you were not able to make it, there’s no need to stress about FOMO—hopefully we’ll see you at the next Summit!