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Goodbye Hospital Compare, Hello Care Compare

December 1, 2020

Update: CMS finalized the majority of their Overall Star Rating proposals in a recent final rule, except for their proposal regarding the stratification of readmission measures under the new methodology based on dually-eligible patients. Other proposals, such as peer groups based on the number of reported measure groups, the replacement of the latent variable model with a simple average, and reducing the number of measure groups, were finalized and will now be a part of the Overall Star Ratings.

CMS has announced that Care Compare (formerly Hospital Compare) will freeze data on its site with the October 2020 publish (Jan–Dec 2019 discharges) and not refresh until July 2021 (Oct 19–Sep 20 discharges).

This was due to Q1 and Q2 2020 being optional for HCAHPS submissions. CMS earlier announced that those quarters would not be used for VBP calculations either.

This will also mean they are not updating the Overall Hospital Quality Star Ratings (Overall Star Rating). In addition, the announcement allows them to review public comments and finalize the methodology proposals published in a Federal Register proposed rule earlier this year.

For more information, see the CMS announcement here. If you have any other questions regarding this CMS update, please email our PRC CAHPS® team at [email protected].