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The Importance of Discharge Units in PX

The Importance of Discharge Units in PX

For many hospitals, PRC uses stratified sampling at the discharge unit level to measure the inpatient experience. This sampling strategy ensures that all units are receiving adequate data on which to base action plans, monitor progress, and assess improvements. Even...
Scripting the Patient Conversation

Scripting the Patient Conversation

“Scripting” in healthcare describes specific phrases that caregivers use to increase patients’ understanding of the care, improve perceptions of the hospital, communicate reasons behind actions, etc. Quint Studer often talks about “key words at key times,” which are...
Medical Safety

Medical Safety

Patient Safety is a foundational expectation of the patient experience and an important driver of loyalty. The reality is that the role of the patient is foreign for us as individuals—especially in the outpatient and ambulatory settings where we have more limited time...
Reward & Recognition

Reward & Recognition

There is nothing more important to most individuals—the ones you want working with you—than a sense that their contributions are valued. Ask any major, successful corporation and you’ll discover from Target, Delta Airlines to Hilton Hotels, they have programs to...