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CMS Adjustments to HCAHPS Data

CMS Adjustments to HCAHPS Data

One of the goals of HCAHPS is to produce fair comparisons of hospitals; to that end, there are two adjustments that CMS applies to your data before scores are publicly reported on Hospital Compare: a patient mix adjustment (PMA) and a mode adjustment.
Combating Lag Time Bias

Combating Lag Time Bias

“Lag time” refers to the amount of time between a patient’s experience and when the survey of that patient’s experience is administered, and research indicates that this amount of time affects patient perceptions in HCAHPS surveys. You can think of this as “lag...
What’s new for HCAHPS in 2019?

What’s new for HCAHPS in 2019?

Each year, PRC participates in the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey vendor training to stay up to date on CAHPS happenings. So what did we find out this year? HCAHPS has some big changes headed our way for 2019!...
Deceived by Data

Deceived by Data

In 2013, your Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) performance was at an all-time low. You knew the scores were a fair reflection of your hospital; more than one patient said they were inclined to “walk off” a broken leg rather...
How do Nurses Impact HCAHPS Scores?

How do Nurses Impact HCAHPS Scores?

  PRC is celebrating Nursing Week 2018! We love and are proud of all our nursing partners across the country. Keep up the amazing work, nurses, none of us can do it without you! If sickness is a battle and physicians are the commanding officers, nurses are the...