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Patient Norms Explained

Patient Norms Explained

PRC Patient Norms, sometimes referred to as benchmarks, establish rankings and allow comparison to other facilities with which PRC conducts research. You can view the normative breakout for any question on your survey using the Norms application on...
Reaching Target Completions

Reaching Target Completions

Once PRC receives a client’s file and performs the necessary quality checks, we pull a random sample large enough to complete that week’s needed interviews (in accordance with the sample plan). In order to obtain the correct number of completed interviews, PRC pulls a...
What’s new for HCAHPS in 2019?

What’s new for HCAHPS in 2019?

Each year, PRC participates in the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey vendor training to stay up to date on CAHPS happenings. So what did we find out this year? HCAHPS has some big changes headed our way for 2019!...