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Four Ways PRC Maximizes Your PX Data

June 9, 2022

At PRC, we are dedicated to supporting our partners and their work toward excellence in the patient experience. Our dedication extends beyond the surveys we conduct—with our suite of healthcare experience solutions, we make sure your data comes with the tools and insights necessary to drive meaningful improvements in the patient care your team provides. The following solutions are just some of the ways we make sure you get the most value and applications out of your survey data; click on the headers and solution titles for more information about each.

All-Purpose Reporting: PRC EasyView®

Our data platform PRC EasyView® accomplishes valuable needs in reporting, allowing you to view your data with as much depth or simplicity as you want.® provides sophisticated features for in-depth data drilldown, while still maintaining a user-friendly interface with clear charts and graphs for a simplified, straightforward view of your patient experience performance. In addition to the capabilities of PRC EasyView® on computers, the PRC EasyView® App allows you to take your PX data with you on the go with the same spirit of simplicity and clarity as its computer counterpart. Both versions of PRC EasyView® utilize our real time data technology to ensure you always have the most up-to-date data when you need it, and the ease to always find the most important insights within your data.

Data-Driven Next Steps: Action Planning for Excellence®

Within®, users have access to exclusive action planning tools to turn their data insights into powerful PX improvement initiatives. When using our action planning tools, your PX data seamlessly plugs into customizable action planning templates to visualize the steps needed to reach your performance goals, and set up accountability reporting to ensure you reach those goals. All PRC EasyView® users also receive exclusive access to our Premium Content, PX Success Series videos, timely resources, and registration access to PRC Roundtables, all of which work to give you further support towards maximizing your organizational next steps.

An Extra Layer to Patient Perceptions: Voices®

During PX surveys administered via phone, our Voices® platform saves audio recordings of patients describing their care experiences and perceptions that couldn’t be shared in quantitative survey questions. These HIPAA-compliant recordings give you and your care team a chance to gain a nuanced understanding of your patient perceptions by hearing their firsthand impressions and capturing their vocal inflections as they describe your organization’s care. Further, our accompanying VoicesAi solution helps you organize your patient comments by sentiment and topics for additional analysis and drilldown. Hear Voices® for yourself here, and read about how one of our client partners uses Voices® in their PX initiatives.

Coaching from the Best: Excellence Accelerator®

If you’re looking to take your improvement efforts to the next level, our Excellence Accelerator® team of coaches is prepared to share their expertise. Powered by our Healthcare Experience Foundation partners, Excellence Accelerator® coaches come with years of senior leadership experience in healthcare to review your data and share proven best practices that align with your current data and goals. Like all of PRC, our Excellence Accelerator® team understands that no two organizations are the same, so we’re dedicated to providing 1:1 customizable support for all our Excellence Accelerator® partners to ensure success in their unique patient experience landscape.

Reach out today to learn more about any of these solutions, or, if you’re a current PRC client partner, contact your client success manager to implement them in your existing research.