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What it Takes to Restore a Culture of Civility in Healthcare

September 22, 2022

  • The need to foster healthy work environments for our leaders, staff and physicians and equip our teams with tools to broaden civility and combat incivility is at an all-time high.

Over the past 12 months our Healthcare Experience Foundation (HXF) partners’ research and coaching have uncovered an unprecedented cost attached to incivility within healthcare organizations. Join Healthcare Experience Foundation’s Jeff Robbins, Director of HX Coaching, for today’s episode of our HXF partners’ podcast to explore the purpose and impact of civility.

“Civility is complex. It can mean a lot of things to a lot of people. But what I feel is that it’s best defined as respect in action,” he said.

This episode is a condensed version of a recent live learning event from the HXF team. It has been edited down and repackaged into a friendly podcast listening experience.

Did you know? Over two thirds of U.S. consumers agree that incivility is an issue in healthcare today and half of leaders feel their organization does not provide training on how to deal with incivility in the workplace.

Listeners of today’s podcast can expect to learn all about:

  • The benefits of civility
  • The costs of incivility
  • Steps to foster civility
  • The continuum of workplace aggression

Jeff is no stranger to the HX Matters podcast; he has previously joined us for powerful episodes about elevating the patient experience and using data to tell a story. You can revisit those podcasts here:

Through his speaking engagements and coaching, Jeff is on a mission to restore respect, reduce workplace aggressions, and secure a place for civility in their culture. As you will be able to quickly tell, Jeff is highly passionate about this subject matter. He speaks candidly on today’s broadcast about his own story dealing with incivility and the major problems/stress it caused.

Jeff also does an outstanding job of bringing today’s conversation back to empathy, which is another one of our favorite topics on the podcast.

“If you’re being considerate, kind, paying attention, and listening, and you’re using kind words, the empathy just pours out of you. Civility is respect in action, and it does the work of empathy,” he told us.

Listen to the podcast below: